A Complete Guide To Protect Yourself From Mosquitoes
Over 3,000 to 3,500 different species of mosquitoes are present around the world. Right now, over 176 species are recognized in Unites states. The mosquitoes belong to the order Diptera and family Culicidae, same as that of houseflies and fruit flies. Mosquitoes have segmented bodies and two wings like other small flies of the family, but mosquitoes have scaled wings which makes them different from the rest of the flies and insects in the family.
Morphologically mosquitoes have pale brown bodies with white stripes on the abdomen. They fly with their two wings present at the front of their abdomen. There are wing-like structures called halteres at their hind abdomen, which vibrates when the mosquitoes fly and help them maintain their balance. Soft, damp soil or stagnant water areas like storm drains, old tires, wading pools, birdbaths, etc., are the habitat and breeding places of the mosquitoes.
Males and females have different morphology when it comes to mouthparts. Female mosquitoes have a long needle-like beak which they use for eating and biting. In contrast, males have a long needle-like beak that cannot pierce the skin of any animals and humans.
The food source of male mosquitoes is the nectar of flowers and fruits or another sugar source. The female mosquitoes feed on the blood of animals like horses, cattle, chickens, deer, rabbits, etc., and humans so that they can get enough blood to lay eggs. If female mosquitoes don’t get the blood of animals or humans, they die without laying viable eggs.
During biting and sucking blood from the skin, the saliva of the mosquitoes left behind can cause irritation of the skin and produce small bumps on the site of the mosquito bite. The mosquitoes are also the carriers of many diseases and parasites and can transmit these diseases to animals and humans.

Structure of mosquitoes
Adult mosquitoes have a length up to 1 inch, while mosquito larva has a size range from 1/16″ – 1/2″, depending on how old the larva is.
Adult Mosquitoes
Adult mosquitoes have the following characteristics when it comes to their shape.
- Slender body
- Scaled wings
- Long legs
- Typically less than 1 inch in length
Immature Mosquitoes or larva
The larvae of mosquitoes have the following morphological characteristics:
- Thin worm-like body
- Noticeable head
Some interesting facts about mosquitoes
Before we get into the methods for eliminating mosquitoes, let’s go over a few mosquito facts, some of them might be interesting or even shocking for most people.
1- Total number of species of mosquitoes
According to the American Mosquito Control Association, there are around 3000-3500 mosquito species worldwide, with roughly 200 species in the U.S. alone.
2- Only Female Mosquitoes bite
Most people think that all the mosquitoes bite, but no, only female mosquitoes are the ones who are thirsty for our blood. Female mosquitoes use our blood to get the essential proteins and necessary nutrients to develop and lay eggs.
3- Mosquitoes are the world's deadliest animals
Yes, it might be kind of shocking to hear that, but mosquitoes are the world’s deadliest animals, not sharks or lions. You must be thinking why it is so? Because of the many harmful diseases like malaria, dengue, Zika virus, etc. are spread by mosquito bites.
It is reported that diseases spread by mosquito bites are responsible for over 1 million deaths per year all around the world. Too much destruction by such tiny creation, scary, right?
4- Mosquitos love CO2
You must be thinking about how mosquitoes detect us even in the dark. Well, they kind of don’t need their eyes to see us. They have a unique organ called a maxillary palp, which detects the smell of CO2, and we exhale CO2 in large quantities during breathing.
5- Mosquitoes reproduce faster than you think
Yes, mosquitoes can multiply into 100s in a matter of days. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes lay approximately 100 eggs at a time. These eggs only take about 7 to 10 days to grow into fully matured mosquitoes.
6- Mosquitoes are big suckers for blood
According to studies, mosquitoes can drink blood up to three times their body weight.
7- Mosquitoes don't live long
After reading all the above facts, it must be relieving news for you. These bloodsuckers don’t have very long lives and have a life span of just 2 months.
Eggs: A female mosquito can lay up to 100 eggs at a time. Mosquito lay their eggs in moist, damp soil or any place that has reservoirs of stagnant water. The eggs float on the water’s surface and hatch into larvae within 48 hours
Larva: Larva, also known as floaters, live under the water, and for breathing, they come up to the water’s surface. Larva shed their skins and grow bigger after each shedding. Many larvae have tube-like structures called siphons which help them breathe. The larva that has siphons hang from the surface of the water. The Anopheles do not have a siphon and usually lay parallel to the surface of the water. On the fourth shedding, the larva changes into the pupa.
Pupa: It is a dormant and non-feeding stage. The pupa converts into a fully developed adult mosquito in 2 days. After 2 days of the resting period, the skin of the pupa split, and the adult mosquito appears.
Adults: They are also called fliers. At this stage, mosquitoes must rest on the water’s surface to make their body parts dry, hard, and spread their wings to dry them before flying.
Different species of mosquitoes have different stages of the life cycle. The life span of a mosquito depends on various factors like temperature, humidity, gender of the mosquito, etc. A male mosquito has a life span of only one week, while a female can live up to 1-2 months.
Most common types of mosquitoes
Aedes: Aedes are painful biters and mostly attack during the day. They are responsible for diseases like dengue.
Culex: They also cause painful bites and attack after the dark. The Culex Tarsalis are responsible for spreading diseases like encephalitis (sleeping sickness) to both man and horses
Anopheles: The Anopheles are famous for transmitting malaria to man.
You don’t have to search too hard to find a mosquito in your area. They will find you anyways to suck your blood. Although you can look for the places that have chances to harbor immature mosquitoes like:
- Flowerpots
- Ornamental fountains or ponds
- Debris filled gutters
- Birdbaths
- Water gardens
- Rain barrels
- Pool covers
- Standing puddles
- Animal drinking water receptacles
- Shallow ponds
- Abandoned or neglected swimming pools or hot tubs
- Deep hollows in trees
- Any item that can hold water for extended periods
Although it’s impossible to eliminate the mosquitoes from your home or yard, you can reduce the constant mosquito bite by following the given treatment plan and save yourself and your loved ones from pain and several diseases
Empty all the reservoirs of stagnant water
Stagnant water is the primary spot where mosquitoes lay eggs. Look for the places in your home or yard where mosquitoes can lay eggs like flowerpots, pet dishes, rain gutters, birdbaths, etc. Make sure to change the water of the flowerpots, pet dishes, birdbath every day to prevent the growth of mosquito eggs. Keep the bushes and grass pruned to reduce the hiding spot and resting areas for the adult mosquitoes.
Use a Larvicide to kill mosquito larvae
In addition to eliminating water spots, also use the larvicide to kill the leaves permanently. Larvicide kills the larvae and prevents them from growing into adult biting mosquitoes. It is recommended to use larvicides in places where you cannot change the water regularly.
There are different types of larvicide. One type consists of an insect growth regulator and stops the growth of larva in early developmental stages. The other type of larvicide is bacteria that interfere with larva’s ability to eat. Larvicide comes in different formulations like solid dunks or bricks, water-soluble granules. The frequency with which you will use larvicide depends upon the product you are using and how often it rains in your area. It’s always a good idea to read the label of the product you’re using.
Use mosquito spray in open areas
Using insecticide spray after every month also has a very positive effect in eliminating the biting mosquitoes. Many spray insecticides are available in the market, so it is important that you choose the product according to the area you are planning to spray. Carefully spray the insecticides in all corners like undersides of leaves on trees and bushes, in dense brush, tall grasses, under the overhangs on structures, under decks, and moist shady areas.
If you live in an area where the population of mosquitoes is uncontrolled, it is best to mix insect growth regulators into the insecticide to get the maximum benefit. This will not only kill the adult mosquito but also prevent the growth of larvae.
Old Home Remedies to Help Control Mosquitoes in Your House
Nothing is more frustrating than the buzzing of mosquitoes during bedtime. You must have noticed that they won’t buzz around your ear during the daytime. That’s because mosquitoes like to rest in the day and work at night.
If you have had enough of the mosquitoes buzzing during the night, we have easy solutions to repel the mosquitoes:
Chemical repellent
One of the good old ways to keep the mosquitoes away is to use mosquito repellents. You should use mosquito repellents with 30% to 50% DEET. People have some concerns that DEET is not safe for human skin, but research has shown that when used properly, DEET has no harmful effects on human skin.
It is recommended to use mosquito repellent with 30% to 50% DEET for adults, 10% to 30% for children over two months, and DO NOT use mosquito repellants on infants under two months.
Fix any gaps
In addition to spraying insecticides and larvicides, it is essential to fix gaps and patches in your screen and windows so that the new mosquitoes can’t enter your home again.
Mosquito netting
One of the best and foolproof methods to repel mosquitoes is to use nets.
Mosquito Traps
Mosquito traps are also another good way to keep these bloodsuckers away from you. You can buy a mosquito trap online, from a grocery store, hardware store, and can even DIY a mosquito trap at your home. Here’s how you can make a mousetrap yourself:
- Cut a bottle into two, flip the lower half upside down and tuck the upper half into the lower half.
- Then take one cup of water and one cup of sugar and boil them. Once boiled, add two cups of water to cool down the first mixture.
- Bring down the temperature of the above mixture to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and add dry yeast to the mixture.
- Pour the mixture into the trap and secure the trap with the tape.
- The sugar in the mixture will attract the mosquito, and eventually, the mosquito will be struck in the trap and drown.
Make sure to change the mixture of your DIY mouse trap regularly.
Prune trees and bushes in your yard
Long and untrimmed grass and bushes are hideouts of the mosquitoes. Regularly prune the bushes and trees in your yard to allow more sunlight. Remove any debris and containers that can be filled with rain waters.
Oscillating fans
The simplest way to keep mosquitoes away is the use of oscillating fans. The mosquitoes can’t fly well in the strong winds. So, turn your fans and say hello to peaceful night sleep.
Outdoor soap
There is some specially designed soaps available that act as mosquito repellents when you bathe with them. These soaps are completely non-toxic and have a pleasant smell. But indeed, this smell is not so pleasant for the mosquitoes and repels them.
Essential oils
Essential oils are natural mosquito repellants. Although they are not as effective and chemical repellant, they are a great alternative if you are looking for something to repel mosquitoes without using chemicals. The essential oils that contain lavender, lemon, or eucalyptus, lemongrass, peppermint, clove, and tea tree oil are considered the best ones to repel mosquitoes.
To prepare an essential oil mosquito repellent, you will need 3-4 drops of essential oil in one cup of water. Mix it thoroughly, pour it into a spray bottle, and spray it on your skin and around the house to repel the mosquitoes.
Coconut oil and neem oil
Another natural way to repel mosquitoes is to use a combination of coconut oil and neem oil mixed with water. Spray this mixture on your skin, it can repel mosquitoes for up to 12 hours
Burning Candles
Mosquitoes can’t stand the scent of lavender and citronella. So burning the candles that contain these scents will keep the mosquitoes away.
Using garlic mixed in water is also a great and natural way to repel mosquitoes. But garlic doesn’t smell so good. So if you don’t like the smell of garlic, you can use eucalyptus as well.
Burning sage, rosemary, and coffee grounds
Mosquitoes hate the smell of sage, rosemary, and coffee grounds. Burning them will keep the mosquito away from you. Just be careful while burning them to avoid any damage.
Lemon Balm
Applying lemon Balm on your body, especially on sensitive areas like elbows, knuckles, knees, is proven effective in repelling mosquitoes.
This may sound weird to you, but Listerine contains eucalyptus, which acts as a mosquito repellent.
Consider a bug zapper
A bug zapper works by electrocuting the mosquitoes. You might kill a few mosquitoes using a zapper, but this method is not considered very efficient. Because overall, it is a tiring process, and there are high chances that you may kill some beneficial insects.
Use Thermacells
Thermacells are spray-free, scent-free, emitting a no-mess repellent, and easy-to-use containers, which can provide protection up to 15 feet. You can easily refill them.
Use yellow LED lighting
According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, warm, yellow LED lights are less appealing to mosquitoes. So use these lights in your bedroom you repel the mosquitoes.
Treat pools and ponds
Treat the water in your ponds, pools, and the places where you can’t eliminate the water with larvicide. It will stop the growth and kill the larvae of the mosquitoes in these places.
BTI is a natural bacteria found in soil and have the ability to kill mosquito larvae by producing toxin. It is non-toxic to humans. You can spray this in your pond, flower pots, birdbath to kill the larvae.
Plant natural deterrents
This is such an aesthetic and prudent way to repel not only mosquitoes but many unwanted bugs. The natural deterrents are the plants that repel the mosquitoes. The natural deterrents are:
- Tulsi
- Lavender
- Marigolds
- Lemon balm
- Lemongrass
- Citronella
- Catnip
- Basil
- Garlic
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Pennyroyal
- Geraniums
- Sage